Writing websites using Vim

You want to produce some result. What technique should you chose? What is the most effective way to achieve what you want to do, within your given constraints? What technique has the highest chance of producing a good result? Being able to give a good answer to this question is the definition of mastery of a craft.

Why not rely on the wisdom of the crowd, and choose the most commonly used technique for a given task? In many cases, this will produce acceptable results, since your circumstances are most likely the same as everyone elses. This is arguably the best approach in any case where you have little experience, and no time to waste. This is especially true if the domain you are working in is not changing or developing much, or is uncomplicated. Mastery of such a domain will have little value.

Consider the example of setting up a simple website. The desired end result is that your content is made available on the internet for others to enjoy. For the sake of argument, we will not consider the obvious option of just creating an account with one of the many existing content platforms and simply posting.

It is possible to create websites directly, using Vim!

I struggle a bit with getting actual work done, since I often end up spending time on tooling and configuration rather than the writing I wanted to do. This is something that I am sure that almost anyone with a technical inclination will recognize.

The frustration felt by many people over the fact that tooling becomes a task in itself...

The most important omission in the HTML specification, is that it does not allow you to neatly include fragments. There is <iframe>, but there are issues with styling iframes.